Happy thanksgiving Syracuse Orange fans! Hope you enjoy the holiday weekend, this’ll be a light day on ITLH. Here’s what we’re most thankful for as SU fans!
Paul A. Esden Jr.- Site Expert
Follow: @BoyGreen25
It’s a thanksgiving tradition to wake up early-ish and watch the Macy Day parade with my family. Cheese and crackers are served often with a cold Mountain Dew and we just relax and catch up on life. Then we have a triple-header of NFL football to enjoy throughout the day. Of course the thanksgiving meal and the turkey sandwiches after are fantastic. I hope all the Syracuse Orange fans out there really enjoy themselves.
Anywho, so what am I most thankful for as a SU fan?
Well we could insert the glory of the basketball program over the last 40+ years and expecting to be in the tournament every year. Which quick side note, I think we all take for granted. But as a true football fan at heart that’s where I must put my heart and soul.
Things haven’t been great over the last 15 years in Central New York. But over the last two years, despite the final record, has been some of the most exciting times of my recent fanhood. I know there’s a ton of hooplah around Dino Babers and to be frank I’m still pissed off about his senseless community comment earlier this week. But I love this Orange is the New Fast product and all his similes and analogies from baking the cake in the oven, to learning how to ride a bicycle, and to handling success. He’s a word smith, someone the fans can buy into. While the record isn’t quite there yet, I’m thankful that we have hope, no matter how big or small it is. That’s something we haven’t had in a while.
Neil Adler- Contributor
As a Syracuse University alum, and a crazy passionate fan of Orange hoops, I’m thankful for a ton of things. Too many to list here, in fact. But they include the 2003 national championship, and multiple other Final Fours. Jim Boeheim and his humorous antics. A loyal community, stretching across the country, of SU advocates and cheerleaders. The Newhouse school, where I received a tremendous education.
Carmelo Anthony. Donovan McNabb. Jim Brown. Ernie Davis. Our field hockey, lacrosse, soccer, and track & field programs, among others. The Carrier Dome and all the on-campus attendance records that it has set. A plethora of well-respected journalists, in sports and other industries. Dinosaur Bar-B-Que and Wegmans. Strong snow removal in Central New York (unlike where I live now). And, most importantly, I’m eternally thankful – and grateful – for the fact that we’re not Georgetown. Wink, wink.
Andrew Carey- Contributor
Follow: @Papi_Carey
As a Syracuse fan I am thankful for a few things. While we all suffer through the ups and downs it is totally worth it. Syracuse sports will agonize you but then take you to so much joy. I’m thankful to follow a team with such a passionate fan base that cares about the being of the program (despite attendance issues). Lastly, I’m thankful for watching football and lacrosse games indoors through Syracuse’s fall, winter, and early spring brutal weather.
Next: Syracuse Basketball: Top 30 Players in School History
Josh Peelman- Contributor
Follow: @jnpmessenger
What am I thankful for as an SU fan?
Well that’s easy! For the first time since I was little, the Orange have a capable enough football team to compete with anyone. Sure, they didn’t finish the job in most of the games this year, but that’s the next step they had to take.
Winning that Clemson game meant the world to me as an SU fan. Yeah their quarterback got injured, but the defense was still tops in the nation! So winning that game helped show Syracuse is back, just not completely there yet. In addition, I’m thankful Eric Dungey is Syracuse’s QB because he is fun to watch, he’s humble, and bleeds Orange on and off the field. So yeah, that’s what I’m thankful for.