Happy holidays from our ITLH family! To celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, we’ll be using the Syracuse football 2017 season as the vessel.
Regardless of your religious beliefs, we’d love to wish all of our Inside the Loud House fans a huge happy holidays this season. While the Syracuse football season didn’t go exactly according to plan, we’re hoping this 12 days of Christmas list can you cheer you up.
The dome dudes are led by their head man Dino Babers. He just completed his second season in Orange and so far he’s accumulated a (8-16) coaching record. We’ve seen #PayDino campaigns and even #FireDino campaigns. So it’s safe to say, it’s been a rocky two-year tenure for Babers and company.
While Dino continues to emphasize trusting the process, SU fans understandably are hesitant to buy in. They’ve been burned too many times in the past, hopefully this time around will work out, but nothing is assured.
This slideshow is designed to make you smile, laugh, and possibly cry and go into the fetal position. If we can accomplish any of those things, this was a raving success and we won’t have to close up shop. Feel free to make up your own 12 days of Christmas and submit them in the comments below or on any of our social media portals: @LoudHouseFS on Facebook and Twitter.