Everyone talks about 1st round picks in the NFL Draft, but what about the other guys? Here are the best non-first round Syracuse football stars in history.
Ah it’s almost draft day. A wonderful time of the year where players dreams are realized. In Syracuse football history 21 players have received that honor, but not everyone can get their name called on the opening night. There’s only 32 teams in the NFL after all.
But as we know, there’s six other rounds in the NFL Draft. Plenty of opportunities are available for players to make their mark in the pros, but just via a different path.
While SU has had a rich history in the first round, they’ve also done quite well in the other rounds. ITLH already looked at and ranked every first round pick in Syracuse football history, now it’s time to look at the other guys.
Inside the Loud House ranked the best of the rest, but the catch this time is there can only be 10 players on this list. Some got left out, that’s the nature of the beast. So let’s appreciate the 10 elite members who made the cut.