Q: Mama Dungey, when did it become apparent that your son Eric wanted to play football?
"A: I’d say it all started when he was a toddler. Not specifically with footballs. In the earliest years it was basketballs. He’d climb out of his high chair, and in his diaper, he’d go oustide and shoot at the lowered (real) hoop we had in our driveway in Medina, Minnesota. And he’d make baskets. His first organized sports team was t-ball. And then soccer. He’d throw the football around with his dad and brother, Matt when he was 5 years old. His first experience in organized football was when he was in 3rd grade, when we moved back to Lake Oswego, Oregon. Eric played QB and safety from 3rd grade through HS. He started as a freshman on the varsity team in HS when our starting Senior QB was injured. And he remained the starting QB for the remainder of his HS career."