Syracuse Football: Eric Dungey- What Makes Syracuse’s QB So Good?

Syracuse football (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
Syracuse football (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /
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1. Heart & Passion for the Game

Eric Dungey
(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /

Eric Dungey always has a smile on face. When he scores, he screams in excitement. He loves the game he plays, no matter how much he gets injured. Dungey gives 110 percent every time he’s out there, and when he makes a mistake, it frustrates him.

Number two in Orange has a heart and passion for the game that I don’t see in a lot of players nowadays. He reminds me of playing street football with your friends, or a game of wiffleball in the backyard. It’s a pride thing and a competitive thing all wrapped in one. You want to win and you want to have fun doing it. You give everything you got out there in hopes you can win. that’s what I see from Dungey.

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I’m sure he hates sitting on the sideline due to injury and I think loves just playing football with this group of guys. He is always praising his teammates in interviews, and how much fun he has with them.

I mean why else would a kid from Oregon, way across the country come and play on the east coast in Syracuse, NY? I get that Syracuse was one of the few who gave him a chance, but still. He came because he wanted to show what he’s got and put everything on the line. Those are the types of players that usually go on to do great things. Hopefully the same holds true for Eric Dungey.

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So what makes Eric Dungey so special? A lot. Its not just one thing. He is a player with a great attitude and love for the game. That along with some great skills make him one of the best players in the ACC if not the country. Hopefully this is the year he truly gets a chance to show that.

As always, be sure to check back with Inside the Loud House daily for all your Syracuse Football content as we cover the Orange’s 2017 campaign.