Paul Esden: Bobby Petrino signed a 10-year contract extension with Louisville back in 2006, “telling the world that he wasn’t going anywhere”, yet he left. Has everything been smoothed over the second time around? Or is there still some hostility?
"Derek Snyder (Site Expert for the Big Red Louie) Follow him on Twitter: @Dcolesny10 “There were definitely some raw emotions around Louisville whenever Petrino exited for the Atlanta Falcons. The program dropped off a bit until Teddy Bridgewater and current Texas head coach Charlie Strong led the Cardinals to a Sugar Bowl win over the Florida Gators.” “There was definitely some hesitation around the area whenever Petrino first came back, but I wouldn’t say it was too much of a surprise. Between the Arkansas and Louisville job he was the head coach at Western Kentucky, which is only an hour and a half from Louisville.” “Therefore, there was definitely speculation that he was going to come back when Charlie Strong was being connected with the Texas opening. Louisville AD Tom Jurich did his homework and due diligence in meeting with Petrino the second time around. People in the organization believed that he changed as a person, there hasn’t been a complaint in Louisville since.”"
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